Not Yet Adopted
This web site has been developed independantly of the railway, and as yet has not been adopted by them.
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Staff Roster

This facility has been created to make the process of requesting and getting duties on the railway much easier. The facility is available to all staff with internet access, be it at home, at work, or a public library etc.

The service has been designed to be as simple as possible to use, and in it's simplest form consists of just three easy steps.

- You choose the day you wish to work and the type of duty you would like to be given. For example a signalman may choose the box he wishes to work in, while a MPD cleaner could choose between a shed turn or an improvement turn.
- The roster clerk allocates you to a diagram if one is available. While the roster clerk will consider your request he may not be able to give you what requested - maybe the box is already allocated, or no rides are left. At this point, he can either allocate you to a different diagram/duty, or inform you that there is nothing available.
- Once the roster clerk has allocated you to a diagram, you then confirm that you are happy to accept the allocation. The purpose of this is to assure the roster clerk that you have returned to the web site and know what he has done. It also gives you the ability to reject a duty if for any reason you cannot do it.